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FxGecko2年前 (2022-12-05)投诉406

MGCCKJ is a scam, below are the tricks they use: 1. pretend as a single mother with a little child, and wanted to find true love for life 2. met you randomly through social app, such as LINE 3. show affection to you, respect your career, praise everything you do, and wanted to spend the rest of her life with you 4. know a way of making money for your own good, will teach you how to make profit through their trading platform MGCCKJ MetaTrader Terminal 5 5. will teach you with a demonstration account through MetaTrader Terminal 5, show you how to make > $100k in ~ 30 mins 6. ask you to register an account of your own, so you can be as good as she can be and as rich as she can be 7. teach you how to transfer money through Crypto.com and other crypto exchange apps to MGCCKJ's digital wallet address, which is "36X4s23x5m5Z9NdaahYNyeG4NbWU1gV39h" . Wanted to safe guard your fund, and will teach you each step how to operate. 8. after working with you to make significant profit through MGCCKJ MetaTrader Terminal 5, you will get an email from MGCCKJ LTD, which said you can become a permanent member and get bonus and commission return when you recharge your account to certain amount, below is an example: ltd mgcckj mgcckjltd@mgcckj-fx.com Tue, Aug 23, 2:40 PM Dear MGCCKJ user: Thank you for your trust and support. To thank MGCCKJ users for their trust and support, MGCCKJ offers a "permanent membership" package. The bonuses are as follows. Recharge activity bonus rewards during the event Recharge amount Recharge bonus commission return (%)$100,000 $9,999 10%$300,000 $39,999 20%$500,000 $59,999 40%$1,000,000 $99,999 60%$3,000,000 $399,999 80%$5,000,000 $599,999 100% The above activity will be permanently refunded to your trading account every day after 00:00 Cyprus time. We hope you will participate in this promotion and wish you a happy investment! (The event period is from 00:00 on August 24, 2022 to September 24, 2022, ending at 00:00 Cyprus time.) If you withdraw during the event, you will be disqualified and will not receive any feedback, Please notify all new and old users! Note: After the deposit reaches the standard amount of 1,000,000U, there will be no time limit for withdrawal during the event!Greetings and Best wishesMGCCKJ Gold Market AnnouncementAugust 24, 2022022 9. then the single mother will gently encourage and push you to recharge your account to certain amount, and saying she got the same email too, she is going to recharge her account to 1m, maybe you should aim at $500,000 10. then will work with you once/twice per week to make profit through MGCCKJ MetaTrader5, and keep conversation going to make you feel good 11. when you finally decided to withdraw funds from MGCCKJ, they will send you an email saying you need to pay taxes first, and the tax amount is 17% x all your profit (which is definitely > $1 million). In the same email, they would say the user can withdraw all the funds once the tax were paid, which usually takes 1-3 days. 12. after you paid your taxes, they just disappear, your MGCCKJ MetaTrader5 will be disconnected, and the custom service will ignore your message 13. here is the website https://mgcckjs.com/en/ This is huge bitch scam... please report to your local police.

投诉编号: 9171
投诉对象: [MGCCKJ]
投诉要求: Expose scam
涉诉金额: 0.0元
投诉进度: 投诉处理中





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